
  • Our Products
    Made by Aussie experts for the Aussie sun, SunSense offers SPF50+ protection. Explore the range for all skin types.
    Made by Aussie experts SunSense offers SPF50+ protection. Explore the range for all skin types.
  • About Us
    In 1988, Ego Pharmaceuticals developed the world’s first cosmetically acceptable sunscreen. This would later become SunSense. Find out about the SunSense story.
    In 1988, SunSense launched the world’s first cosmetically acceptable sunscreen. Discover our history.
Our Products

Made by Aussie experts for the Aussie sun for over 30 years, right here in Australia. All of our sunscreens are SPF 50+, to help protect you and your family’s skin all year round.

Expert Care For The Sun Aware

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